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If you are among the five current or former PhDs selected to participate in the competition, you will receive a specially designed course to ensure that you can really get your research across to both panel and audience. You will get sparring on your presentation skills, both in terms of building and using props, as well as professional coaching on how to present well on stage. So, by the time you finally go on stage on November 13, you will be in a much better position to clearly communicate your research so that everyone will be able to understand its value.    



The live show itself guarantees that you and your research will make an impact far beyond academia. You will also receive feedback on your presentation from the panel of judges, all of whom exceptionally talented communicators within their own fields



Finally, of course, the opportunity to win a prize.

Read more about the info meeting 

The Greenlandic PhD competition 'Paasisavut'


On 1 June 2024, we will open registration for the research communication competition Paasisavut. The application must contain: 

  • Short pitch about your research (No more than two A4 pages) 

  • A short video presentation in which you present your research (in a maximum of two minutes)

  • Resume with contact information 

  • A resembling portrait photo in high resolution (for use on the website and marketing) 

  • PhD contract (for current PhD students) 

  • PhD thesis (if submitted within the last two years) 

  • Your PhD supervisors name and contact information 


Whether you choose to do it in Greenlandic, Danish or English is entirely up to you – this applies both to registering and in case you are selected to perform in the live show.


The live show in Katuaq will be interpreted simultaneously, so that both the audience in the hall and those watching at home can follow along in their preferred language.


The panel will consist of judges who together cover the three linguistic competences. 


A group of communication professionals and researchers will read and assess all entries before picking the five best applicants who will then be invited to take part in the big live show.    


 The show will be held in the cultural center Katuaq on November 13, 2024, and broadcast live on KNR TV. 
Your pitch and video will decide if you are selected for the live show. The committee will select the five finalists based on the following criteria:  

The research must be communicated well, meaning that 

  • The pitch must be based on the (possible) conclusion and the good story  

  • The pitch can include aspects of the research and process

  • Your presentation must address a wide audience  

  • Your main points must be clearly highlighted 

The research must strive to convey a societal perspective

  • The research must present new knowledge that provides a basis for development in a broad social, economic and/or cultural sense

  • The research must show perspective  

  • The research can be part of an ongoing debate  

  • The communication shows the social relevance of the research 



We strongly recommend that you attend one of our information meetings before you apply for Paasisavut. During these, we describe what participants in Paasisavut can expect from the process. 


Here are some highlights briefly describing matters we will explain more thoroughly during the information meetings: 


If you are selected as one of the five finalists for Paasisavut, you will undergo a coaching process that will last approximately two months.


You will meet twice with a professional science communicator to work on your presentation. Prior to these meetings, you must have worked on the presentation yourself. 


All finalists will meet in Nuuk a week before the show to learn how to deliver their presentation on the big stage. 


If you are a finalist living abroad, you will get the travel cost of a return trip from Copenhagen to Nuuk covered, as well as accommodation during your stay. 


Regarding exposure, finalists will be asked to provide and/or participate in film footage to promote Paasisavut. As a participant, you can also expect interest from the media.


If you have any questions about the competition, send us an e-mail

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